Landlords Insurance
Landlords Insurance
Hanslow Insurance Group understands that a significant amount of time, money and effort is put into attaining properties and as they are valuable assets, it only makes sense to have the appropriate type of insurance to protect it.
Commercial landlords insurance covers your valuable real estate investment against property losses such as fire, storm and malicious damage; theft and burglary; glass breakage; as well as other exposures such as public liability; machinery breakdown; loss of rent and tax investigation. Let us assist you access specialist commercial landlords policies designed for such exposures.
Residential landlord insurance covers the additional risk that a domestic property is put at when it is being leased. On top of the normal property insurance it covers damage that may occur from tenants as well as loss of income due to unpaid rent. Short-stay insurance can also be tailored to the exact needs of a landlord if they rent their property out for short periods of time such as a holiday rental or an Air BnB.
So whether you own residential or commercial property we service all types of real estate owners; landlords and investors. This type of insurance requires specialist knowledge and expert care. We at Hanslow Insurance Group are confident in our ability tailor insurance services to any needs, ensuring that you receive your chosen insurance options and protection at a competitive premium.
With strong relationships to major Australian insurers and Underwriting Agencies, we have access to a wide range of providers with specialised product offerings.
Contact us today so we can assist in providing you with a cover that will ensure that in the event of any damages or loss, you can get back to business sooner.
Your insurance is a critical part of your business success.
Call now to arrange an obligation free review.
P: 0401 674 794
E: Email Mark